Think positive

I really don't understand why we always so unsatisfied.
If once we look at them who don't even have enough food after that they can laugh then y we can't......
 Because we forgot to live if now we want to show other people to be happy but actually, we r not.....
If we can forget that society and start to live as we want then no need to go any kind of heaven........😊☺️


  1. Your blog is like a candle in the darkness.You have written true about today's scenario that people nowdays are not happy with their own happiness they are living a showcase life. Most of the people are unsatisfied the reason behind is that they now starts comparing them to others. What the other person have they also want that even it's not useful or required for them.
    But they wish to have the same and due to this they forget their own happiness and wish to acquire the same and remains unsatisfied.

  2. Thank you so much ☺️😊😊


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