Learning is change in behaviour

we need to grow in our life. For growing we have to learn and learn and keep learning in our life. When we learn something in our life then we don't even know where that will be used but after that, we have to be keep learning.
     Everyone heard that whatever we learn that will be used in our life and that's true-life knows everything about us and life definitely give that chance to everyone.
     Life is so big many situations come and go. We have to be prepared for that always.
       Life is so beautiful but at the same time, life is so hard also. Life gives the daily task to us and we have to be complete that. When we are participating, that period called experience that can be good or bad...
- challenging
-simple  Life gives everything to everyone but life wants so much hard work from us. If we learning daily then we can face every kind of situation but is we are lazy we don't want to learn something then life becomes tuff for us.
   For lazy people, that not mean that life will stop giving you task actually life create that kind of situation for them, they don't have any other option unless hard work to complete your task.


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